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How Can the Early Intervention Programme Help Your Child Cope in Mainstream Schools?


Every child learns and develops at their own pace. However, children on the autism spectrum might face more challenges learning new concepts in early life than other children. These challenges include having trouble with language or speech, motor skills, social and emotional skills, cognitive skills and perceptual skills. When a developmental delay occurs in multiple areas, it is known as Global Developmental Delay.

While it is normal for autistic children or children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) to face developmental delays in their childhood, Early Intervention Programme (EIP) can help them catch up with their peers or prepare them to enter mainstream schools in the future.

Read on to find out how the EIP can help your child cope better in mainstream schools now.

How EIP Works

Here at MindChamps Allied Care, we tap on the AEPS (Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System for Infants and Children) framework to provide a comprehensive early intervention experience for your child. This framework has been proven reliable and is a highly regarded system that has been helping children with developmental delays for decades. The AEPS system allows us to identify your child’s strengths and emerging skills across developmental areas, identify functional goals and objectives for their Individual Education Plans on top of monitoring their progress over time.

With our curriculum rooted in the AEPS system, we are able to provide your child with educationally relevant, meaningful and functional information that is used to formulate developmentally appropriate goals and objectives to ensure optimal progress.

Preparing Your Child for Mainstream Education

Our EIP aims to help your children close the developmental gap with their peers, in order for them to integrate into a mainstream primary or secondary school. The EIP will prepare your child for mainstream primary or secondary education by equipping them with skill sets related to cognition and perception, communication and language, social skills, fine and motor skills and self-help skills. These skills will be taught and reinforced with indoor and outdoor learning activities at MindChamps Allied Care, which includes learning how to order and buy food, navigate shops and parks safely and obey rules.

Additionally, each child attending the EIP will also receive an Individual Education Plan within six weeks of their enrollment after careful assessment done by our team of professional Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists and Child Psychologists, along with input from caregivers. This plan will detail the developmental goals set for your child based on their developmental needs, and will be reviewed together with caregivers every six months.

Why is EIP Important?

EIP is highly recommended for children with developmental delays as a child’s formative years are the most critical for cognitive, emotional, social and physical development. Before the age of eight, children are most receptive to early intervention efforts, which can lead to better outcomes. Identifying any learning difficulties of your child through the EIP will also prevent further delays in their development.

If your child has trouble communicating effectively, leading to frequent tantrums, EIP can also equip them with skills and strategies to overcome communication challenges and regulate their emotions. Furthermore, caregivers will also be able to learn how to guide their child at home with close collaboration with our team of professionals.

Enroll Your Child for a EIP at MindChamps Allied Care Today

EIP at MindChamps Allied Care is suitable for children between the ages of 18 months to six years old. You can even book a 4-session trial that will include placement of your child in a class for up to a month, a parents’ review session and recommendations by the school.

Book a visit to our centre to enquire about our EIP today.

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